Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)
Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)

Ethiopia Coffee (From Yirgacheffe)

Sale price Rs. 1,599.00
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 Ethiopia (Yirgacheffe)

Thought to be the true origin of the coffee plant, Ethiopia has the perfect conditions for coffee growing. From tales of Kaldi and his antsy goats to the reverent tone of voice with which coffee lovers say the word “Yirgacheffe" (pronounced yer-guh-cheff), Ethiopian coffee beans conjure up pure coffee romance. Go ahead, say it. It rolls off the tongue.

Within the popular Yirgacheffe growing region of Southern Ethiopia you will find the small woreda or district called Kochere. Kochere provides communal washing stations for local farmers to process their coffee after the harvest. This African district is well known for producing high-quality Ethiopian coffee beans - where the acidic, mineral dense soil and soaring altitudes make for a perfect coffee growing micro-climate.

What makes African Coffees So Special?

The coffee growing and harvesting conditions in Africa are ideal. Volcanic mineral-rich soils, mountainous regions, high altitudes, and proximity to the equator are responsible for the original taste.

Packaging: The packaging has been inspired by the birds life of Ethiopia. The pack includes a bird named The Abyssinian roller, is a member of the roller family of birds which breeds across tropical Africa in a belt south of the Sahara. They are fearless, and will dive and roll at humans and other intruders.

Altitude: 1500 mt

Processing: Washed

Coffee Notes: The flavour characteristics are bright fruited and floral, light acidity. It has spicy and peeled mango coffee notes. 

PS: It takes 7 Days to prepare the coffee and dispatch the order.


The freshness was definitely noticeable in the aroma and flavor. Mysore Nuggets Dark Roasted beans arrived with great aroma and brewed up an incredible cup of rich, deeply flavored coffee, both in the Chemex and in the Moka pot.

Radhika Bhatia, Product Manager

Recently bought their Thippanahalli - Dark Roast Coffee Beans and grinded it for cold brew. Followed their recipe of Vietnamese Iced Cold Brew. Got to say one of finest Cold Brew in the town!

Ishwar Gupta, MBA Student