Monsooned Malabar Coffee

Sale price Rs. 840.00
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During the late 19th century, while India was under British rule, coffee was regularly shipped to Europe. Coffee was exposed to the damp and humid monsoon conditions while it was stored on barges and transported from India to Europe.

This caused the coffee beans to swell, become pale in color, and also altered their taste. In this way, Monsoon Malabar coffee was discovered. The raw beans are exposed to the annual monsoon humidity in India for around 3 to 4 months.

This reduces the acidity of coffee beans and gives them a unique earthy flavor.

Roast: Light to medium roast coffee

Coffee Notes: This Microlot monsooned malabar coffee has Mellowness, Light bitter and good soft body after taste.


The freshness was definitely noticeable in the aroma and flavor. Mysore Nuggets Dark Roasted beans arrived with great aroma and brewed up an incredible cup of rich, deeply flavored coffee, both in the Chemex and in the Moka pot.

Radhika Bhatia, Product Manager

Recently bought their Thippanahalli - Dark Roast Coffee Beans and grinded it for cold brew. Followed their recipe of Vietnamese Iced Cold Brew. Got to say one of finest Cold Brew in the town!

Ishwar Gupta, MBA Student