Holiday Blend Coffee

Sale price Rs. 740.00
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Make Merry Little Moments with this Favourite Holiday Coffee. This Blend has an Elegant Flavour which is Smooth and Balanced with a Light acidity and Round cup. These Hand-Selected Beans Cultivated by Smallholder Farmers, Bring a Delicate Bittersweet, Pale Honey Soft and Layered Coffee Notes; Every Sip Celebrates the Season.

Toffee Coffee Roasters’ Holiday Blend is Complex Enough to Satisfy your Coffee Cravings throughout the Season and is Here only for a Limited Time.

Geography: Giridhama Estate, Karnataka, Altitude: 1250 mt

Coffee Notes:  Bittersweet, Pale Honey Soft and Layered


The freshness was definitely noticeable in the aroma and flavor. Mysore Nuggets Dark Roasted beans arrived with great aroma and brewed up an incredible cup of rich, deeply flavored coffee, both in the Chemex and in the Moka pot.

Radhika Bhatia, Product Manager

Recently bought their Thippanahalli - Dark Roast Coffee Beans and grinded it for cold brew. Followed their recipe of Vietnamese Iced Cold Brew. Got to say one of finest Cold Brew in the town!

Ishwar Gupta, MBA Student